Mr. Mac's Virtual Existenceonline Learning Homework
IB Biology > Topic 2: Molecular Biology > 2.5 Enzymes2.1 Molecules2.2 Water2.3 Lipids/Carbs2.4 Proteins2.5 Enzymes2.6 Nucleic Acids2.7 DNA Stuff2.8 Cell Resp.2.9 Photosynth. - Enzymes control the metabolism of the cell.
- Enzymes have an active site to which specific substrates bind.
- Enzyme catalysis involves molecular motion and the collision of substrates with the active site.
- Temperature, pH and substrate concentration affect the rate of activity of enzymes.
- Enzymes can be denatured.
- Immobilized enzymes are widely used in industry.
- Methods of production of lactose-free milk and its advantages.
- Design of experiments to test the effect of temperature, pH and substrate concentration on the activity of enzymes (VIDEO) (Virtual Lab - Pearson).
- Experimental investigation of a factor affecting enzyme activity. (Practical 3)
- Lactase can be immobilized in alginate beads and experiments can then be carried out in which the lactose in milk is hydrolyzed.
- Students should be able to sketch graphs to show the expected effects of temperature, pH and substrate concentration on the activity of enzymes. They should be able to explain the patterns or trends apparent in these graphs.
- Active site
- Substrate
- Catalysis
- Rate of activity
- Denature
- Concentration
| - Click HERE for a pdf of chapter 2.
2.5 Enzymes A detailed set of notes, prepared by Bob Smullen, examining all of the IB learning expectations. Bioknowledgy Notes - A detailed set of notes, created by Chris Paine, examining all of the IB learning expectations. Bioknowledgy Study Questions - A series of questions, created by Chris Paine, to help check your understanding of the IB learning expectations. This is VERY GOOD practice. 2.5 Notes A detailed set of notes, prepared by Jacob Cedarbaum, examining all of the IB learning expectations. (OLD Syllabus) A series of questions, prepared by Jacob Cedarbaum, to help check your understanding of the IB learning expectations. This is VERY GOOD practice but the OLD also includes some HL material so please mind the SL Understandings and Applications at left.Answers (OLD). Learning Activities This virtual lab, prepared by McGraw-Hill, will help you better understand how changing the variables (pH and substrate concentration in this case) within an enzymatic reaction can influence enzyme activity. (Practical 3) This lab activity satisfies Skill 2 (Practical 3) of the IB Bio. course.
| 'How Enzymes Work' by Biology / Medicine Animations HD (1:18) This video outlines the basic structure of an enzyme along with its active site and how this interacts with a substrate to form an enzyme/substrate complex.
This video explains what enzymes are and how they function to speed up chemical reactions within living organisms. This video outlines, in slightly more detail, the structure of an enzyme, it's active site, substrate binding, competitive inhibition and allosteric inhibition. |
Mr. Mac's Virtual Existenceonline Learning Homeschool
At-Home Learning Plan: Date: A pril 20, 2020 - April 24, 2020 Create a 'Show What You Know Folder' to hold all your work to share when we get back. Time Subject Directions/Link to resources 8:30-9:00 Word Study This week we will be practicing 'vowel team oa'. 'Vowel Team oa' Word List. Mac's birthday parade was a great surprise. 'Oh that was something, I never expected something like that,' Arthur smiled. The only thing missing from this perfect day – his love of 58. Tableau Part 1:Telling a Story With Frozen 'Pictures' Introduction: Tableau Drama is a style of performance where students tell a story by freezing in poses. The TABLEAU 'pictures' are created either individually or in groups, and can be told using either a single image (for a simple idea), or a series of images for a. Sandisk sansa e260 software download.
Hamsterball has a well-developed style of its own, with unique colors and thematic elements that distinguish each level. You can play its five stages at three difficulty levels: Pipsqueak, Normal. Hamsterball Gold Hamsterball series. Full-game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard. Hamsterball is a classic rolling-ball style puzzle-action small game. In all sorts of sinister environments, players must agilely manipulate a hamster ball to escort the cute hamster to the destination within the required little time, and then challenge the more difficult next level.